A statutory body is an organization of Government which is not demarcated in Constitution of Zambia but it gets its powers, service rules, authority by an Act of Parliament. They are generally established to perform specific functions which a government considers effectively performed outside a traditional departmental structure. Therefore, this page gives a brief description of the functions carried out by statutory bodies/institutions under the ministry.
ZAPD is a statutory body established under the persons with disabilities act number 6 of 2012 cap 65 of the laws of zambia. The agency falls under the Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare.
A fully rehabilitated, enlightened, economically empowered and socially integrated disabled persons with full access to information / public facilities e.t.c. and enjoying equal rights with other members of the society.
The Ministry through the Zambia Agency for Persons with Disabilities and other statutory institutions targets all categories of Disabilities across all age groups and levels of incapacitation as required by the Disabilities Act No 6 of 2012.This then culminates into Disability being a cross cutting issue.
The mandate include to develop, adopt and administer the Code of Conduct for NGOs and facilitate and coordinate the work of NGOs operating in Zambia.
Nakambala is an institution meant to provide reception, care and rehabilitation of juveniles in conflict with the law as ordered by the court. The Social Welfare Officers provide counselling to parents/guardians of the juveniles on the need to maintain contact with children or dependants in institutions to help in preparation for their eventual reintegration into the community.
Insakwe Approved School for girls in Ndola District was opened in 1971 for the primary purpose of providing residential probation for one year. Throughout their time at the institution, the girls get psychosocial counseling through group and case work .
For the purpose of ensuring transcription of National documents and Information into accessible formats to ensure access to information by visually impaired persons.
It also has the responsibility of creating an enabling environment in which visually impaired persons attain literacy, cultural and socio-economic independence through specialized services and training as substitutes for their lost visually functional abilities.
The organisation also provides visually impaired persons with library and cultural development services, Braille and assistive technology training, rehabilitation and economic empowerment skills.
The Centre is in Chilenje area of Lusaka.
Older persons aged 60 and above, without care and support from families and communities are provided with institutional care which includes provision of shelter, recreation activities, psychosocial counseling and reintegration of older persons into their families and communities, where possible. The Department of Social Welfare also provides from time to time, technical, material and financial support to private institutions caring for older persons.
The two homes where the older persons are institutionalized are Chibolya and Maramba Old people’s Homes.
The institution is for the purpose of providing rehabilitation and life skills to Persons with Disabilities. NVRC is located in Ndola District.
The institution is for the purpose of providing microfinancing and entrepreneur skills for independent living by persons with Disabilities. The head office is in Lusaka.
Despite the fact that institutional care is a last resort, there are children who require this service. Children’s homes provide shelter and basic requirements to vulnerable children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or neglected by their parents or guardians, or whose parents or guardians are unable to give sufficient care and guardianship.
The Department inspects, monitors, and supervises childcare facilities to ensure that they adhere to established child-care standards in accordance with international conventions and protocols.
Ministry of Community Development and Social Services
Private Bag W252
Community House, Sadzu Road
Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +260 211 225 327
Fax: +260 211 235342
Email: info@mcdss.gov.zm
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